Scarf History Series: Gloria by Hermès
For the first time in its history, Hermès commissioned an Australian artist in 2009 to design one of its signature silk scarves. The scarves which were produced in multiple colorways were based on Gloria Petyarre's painting Bush Medicine Leaf Dreaming.
Respoke's name for this scarf is also Gloria and has been utilized on multiple versions of its footwear.

Gloria Petyarre was born in Utopia around 1945, and passed away in June 2021. Her Aboriginal language is Anmatyerre, and she was born on Atnangkere country at Utopia in Central Australia. Her language was Anmatyerre and she predominantly lived at Mulga Bore (Akaye Soakage). Gloria is arguably the most famous and significant of all female Australian Aboriginal Artists. She is credited with being the creator of this popular 'medicine leaves' style and is regarded as the most collectible of its proponents. She is now followed in doing so by several generations of her family members.
Duo Gloria Blue Womens Espadrilles
Australian Aboriginal culture is based on the memory of the origin of life in a mythical era referred to as tjukurpa, or alcheringa, which English speakers translate as dreaming. It is said that vital forces came out of the ground and walked through the pristine expanses, shaping the landscape. Between each of their trips, they slept and dreamed of the next day's adventures. It is through their psychic power that, from dream to action, they created the sensitive world, animals, plants, stars ... The artists are the custodians of the patterns reproduced during the rituals dedicated to these ancestors. Created by Gloria Petyarr, famous Australian Aboriginal painter, Le Rêve de Gloria is part of the Bush Medicine Dreaming series.

Mese Gloria Orange Womens Espadrilles
Duo Gloria Blue Mens Espadrilles

Rythym Gloria Mens Espadrilles